I'm not sure how I forgot to publish this post from yesterday, but somehow I ended up saving it as a draft instead of sharing it with everyone. To clear up any confusion, I'll just combine day 6 along with day 7 which will follow.
Day 6
Breakfast - Oatmeal with honey, cinnamon, raisins and walnuts
Snack - Strawberries / Green tea with honey
Lunch - Leftover baked haddock with spinach /
Cabbage salad with red cabbage, romaine lettuce, carrots, apples and dried cranberries with Raspberry vinaigrette
Snack - Pretzels (From the vending machine at work)
Dinner - Green drink w/ collard greens, carrots, apples and pineapple /More cabbage salad
Water Intake - 20 oz. bottle of water
Fruits - 3
Veggies- 5
Grains - Yes, Oatmeal
Beans - Not today
Daily Exercise - Exercise is against doctors orders for now, having just left the hospital.
Notes - I wasn't happy about having the pretzels, but I didn't have enough time this morning to slice up the watermelon before I left for work. Tomorrow, I'll get up a little earlier.
The End of Week 1
Day 7
Breakfast - Oatmeal with honey, cinnamon, raisins and walnuts
Snack - Strawberries / Hot cup of green tea with honey
Lunch - Leftover baked Haddock with spinach / side of watermelon
Snack - The rest of my strawberries
Dinner - Cabbage salad with red cabbage, romaine lettuce, carrots, apples and dried cranberries
with Raspberry vinaigrette / 2 Oranges on the side
Water Intake - 20 Oz bottle plus 1 glass
Fruits - 4
Veggies- 4
Grains - Yes, Oatmeal
Beans - Not today
Daily Exercise - Exercise is against doctors orders for now, having just left the hospital.
Notes - I am so pumped up having finished my first week as a pescatarian!
Congratulations on finishing your first week as a pescatarian! These recipes look delicious.